Category Archives: Business Systems

Efficiency? Effectiveness?

Which is more appealing to you? Efficiency or Effectiveness? Efficiency is the ability to accomplish something with the least amount of wasted time, money, and effort or competency in performance. Effectiveness is the degree to which something successfully produces the desired result. The words effective and efficient both mean “capable of producing a result,” but […]

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Life Tips & Hacks You Never Knew!

Gotta share something today. From a young fellow, Chris Hladczuk. He recently graduated from Yale and works at Goldman Sachs. (Yeah, I know. Typical money-hungry know-it-all right? Wrong!) His hobby is sharing on Twitter — frameworks, systems, and epic business stories.  Essentially life tips and hacks you never knew. (I think he is building up […]

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Wealth Blind Spots. You? YUP!

  Did you know there are four wealth blind spots that most business people have? As a matter of fact, the only people who DON’T have these blind spots are the mega-millionaires and billionaires. Side note: While I have never worked with a billionaire, I have worked with many, many millionaires and mega-millionaires. And also […]

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Simple Processes: A Real Life Example

You have heard us say several times now that there are three pillars which every single company needs to survive and thrive in the next two decades.  Make love to your customers, Have simple, efficient processes, and Be a fine upstanding community citizen.  Today, we want to highlight how NOT having simple processes can destroy […]

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