Category Archives: Customer Service

Simple Processes: A Real Life Example

You have heard us say several times now that there are three pillars which every single company needs to survive and thrive in the next two decades.  Make love to your customers, Have simple, efficient processes, and Be a fine upstanding community citizen.  Today, we want to highlight how NOT having simple processes can destroy […]

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Effective Selling Part 1: Three Key Things You Need To Know

This is the first in a series where we take a look at the process of selling from several different points of view, and intersperse that with some observations about communication and reputation management. Because we believe that is the best way to help you shape or retool your sales strategies and approaches. And yes, […]

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Customers: The Thing Businesses Can’t Live Without

This post was originally one of the bi-weekly newsletters we send out to our ever-growing list of people who are interested in useful and informative insights into a wide range of business-related topics. If you would like to be on our newsletter list, simply send a quick email (with your name and your preferred email address) […]

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