Category Archives: Brand Character

From My Heart to Yours!

I have the most incredible group of readers. Seriously. And I don’t take any of you for granted. I consider myself incredibly fortunate to receive thoughtful notes from many of you every week. Your feedback is not just a reflection of how my writing resonates with you, but it also plays a significant role in […]

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Building Better Business Relationships

These days, one of the hot topics I frequently get asked about is relationship building. Since I have never been a formal salesperson, this might seem kinda strange to some. Business relationships, though — now that part is an area I have always done pretty good with. It’s not that the whole relationship-building concept is […]

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A Plan, A Goal, A Vision, A Why. What???

As a business owner, you are bombarded with aggressive, strong and ‘manly’ messages. You have heard all of them. “You gotta have a Plan.” “Push to your Goal.” “Stay focussed on your Vision.” Articulate your Why.” Honestly, it’s enough to make your head spin, isn’t it? I’d like to tell you why most of this […]

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