Litigation or Liberation? The Indigenous Conundrum
The final episode in the series about all things Indigenous.
The final episode in the series about all things Indigenous.
Episode three in a five part series examining the perceptions and mis-perceptions about Indigenous people.
Once upon a time, there was a Sunday morning ritual I loved to indulge in. See, I’d generally spend the weekends with my boyfriend – he lived much closer to the entertainment part of the city than I did, so it made complete sense – at least in the eyes of this early-twenties chick […]
This second episode is about the importance of including Indigenous perspectives in environmental discussions.
If you’ve read my book The 5Cs: How to Survive and Thrive in the Next Few Decades, you’ll recall that I suggest we include at least one Indigenous person on any study, task force, or project about Land, Air, or Sea. WHAT? You haven’t read my book? Reach out to me, and let’s rectify […]
The first of a series about Indigenous views and rights.
The conclusion to the series about using the law to make the changes we seek.
I have the most incredible group of readers. Seriously. And I don’t take any of you for granted. I consider myself incredibly fortunate to receive thoughtful notes from many of you every week. Your feedback is not just a reflection of how my writing resonates with you, but it also plays a significant role in […]
This is our series about using the law to make the changes we seek.
A few weeks ago, you might have caught my guest on the podcast explaining the difference between being nice and kind. Hint: Nice is more like milque toast; Kind is more about strength. Last Friday, I sent my husband the following text: “The Kindness of Strangers. I was walking back from Dita’s (our dog groomer), and a […]