Tag Archives: not business as usual

It’s About Our Lived Experience

Our lived experiences hold immense power, shaping our beliefs and influencing our decisions. I have never and will never EVER buy a Ford vehicle. Let me tell you why. In my late twenties, I contacted the Ford organization to find out what we needed to do to make Ford a preferred supplier for our rather […]

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What Are You MADE of?

Long ago, my mother was called to the school office to account for my strange actions. I politely stood up in class and lectured the teacher about changing directions without notifying anyone. Our classroom had raised so much money for the purchase of a hamster, food and related paraphernalia that he decided he was the […]

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ONE of the Downsides of Clouds and AI

Quick question. When you leave a room, do you turn the lights off? Yeah, me too! Our parents did a great job teaching us not to waste electricity, didn’t they? Especially with the price of electricity these days, it’s good NOT to be wasteful. Did you know that when we hear ‘it’s in the cloud,’ […]

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Is It For You or The Machine?

Have you noticed how our brains are nearing exhaustion these days? The constant bombardment of graphics, memes, short and long posts, videos, and audio has led us to a point where the fantasy concept of smell-o-vision seems closer than ever. We find ourselves glued to our phones, consuming vast amounts of information yet retaining almost […]

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