With guest Peter Suasso de Lima de Prado, a lawyer, supply chain executive and sustainaibility expert, we delve into the legislative shifts impacting businesses, especially in environmental sustainability and human rights within supply chains. This episode is essential for business leaders to understand how the existing legislations came into effect as well as the
-Evolution of Human Rights in Business
-UN’s Business and Human Rights Framework
-Limitations of Voluntary Frameworks
-National Legislation: France and Germany
-Key Provisions
-Business Implications
-Embracing Collaboration
-Defining a Responsible Supply Chain
Besides downloading and reading his whitepaper here, you can reach Peter at his company Bluespar
The 5Cs podcast, book and community are about shining a light on a better path. Think of it as a global village of business people giving Planet Earth a hand up. You can find Charlene Norman on LinkedIn and here. Consider subscribing for more thoughts from the 5Cs on Substack.