Sitting and thinking about all the different things to write for your Sunday morning read is such a gift. And it is a delight to carve out something that might cause you to pause. This week, someone paused ME. They asked me to tell them concretely what it means to change your thinking. For the better. ‘Give me a few ideas to help me reach the state you’re always preaching to.’ Understanding how one’s thoughts work is difficult when a few visuals can’t capture the final product. Nor is it easy to summarize said process into a compelling read. After much thought and, yes, a bit of serendipity, let me share a few ideas. First, you want to have a reasonably robust frameworkOften that framework includes: - Staying physically active
- Getting enough sleep
- Having great social connections
- Eating and drinking in a healthy way
Second, you want to concentrate on a few of your inner workingsSo it pays to learn and understand: - What your true mindset is, and how it works
- The perceptions you knowingly and unknowingly hold true
- The repercussions of how what you do with your mind affects your body and vice versa
- How to build and maintain rapport – even with people you don’t connect with
- What is and IS NOT in your realm of control
Now, ponder if both of these ideas come across as preachy, too deep, or even too vanilla. ✅ Be thankful
✅ Live simply
✅ Be kind
✅ Do your best
✅ Use please and thank you
✅ Cherish family and friends
✅ Never give up
✅ Believe in yourself
✅ Listen with your heart
✅ Help others
✅ Laugh often and love lots These are the ubiquitous words on a plaque my husband photographed from a restaurant he visited a few months ago. (He was thrilled to proclaim — this is what YOU always talk about.) They are also the words on an old work colleague’s plaque hanging in his home and shared this week in his social feed. And I am betting they are the words you have seen in many different iterations during your life. I decided thatHow I see ‘change your thinking for the better’ is irrelevant. What is most important is that you know, deep inside yourself, that if you choose and when you choose, it does, in fact, choose you. The secret sauce is always inside of us. Our only job is to pull it out and let others see it too! I can make you one promise. ‘Changing your thinking for the better’ is real and will appear when - you get your body health and mental health aligned and on fire, and
- you take the best actions for YOU to liberate YOUR thinking.
