Category Archives: Leadership

Maybe It’s Maybelline

If you are of a certain age, you’ll remember the commercial ditty, “Maybe it’s Maybelline.” The whole point was, if you met a womena who looked mighty fine, maybe it really had something to do with her makeup. (Sexist and demeaning? Yes. And so NOT today’s topic) I was reminded of that ditty the other […]

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Listen to the 5Cs Podcast

Healing the globe can take many different paths. Imagine if most businesses took the lead in healing the planet and helping the people. Imagine the profit; imagine the impact. Imagine if it worked beyond our wildest dreams! Practical insights, provocative points of view. Simultaneously inspiring and educational. Join Charlene Norman every Saturday at 6 a.m. […]

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Informed opinions are some of the best ways to learn new ideas and update and coalesce our old ideas.  The best-informed decisions are not conjecture.  Instead, they are backed up with data, analysis, and lived experience.  Charlene has lots of opinions AND is also insatiably curious. If you share a thirst for knowledge and want […]

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