It’s time I apologize to the Federation of Men. Once and for all. You see, I used to think men were dumb; women more intelligent when admitting their inability to stay on a path. Because we all know, a man never gets lost. Among some of his better lines, I think the “I am exploring,” […]
I was cruising Twitter the other day (I don’t post much, to begin with, and am even less inclined since the MuskRat bought it.) and stumbled upon this post from one of my connections. “A famous researcher predicts divorce with 91% accuracy. He invented a game to protect against the #1 relationship killer. Here it […]
Purposeful Procrastination? What on earth am I talking about? We all have those days when we just don’t wanna. No matter how important it is that we know to get something done, we don’t have the energy or the reserve to follow through. Know what I mean? I have a trick to get you on […]
Zen-Like? What is that? I see you shaking your head. How many hours have you ever spent trying to change someone’s mind? I’ll wager thousands–if you add them ALL up. And I’ll also wager you were successful in only a handful. Ever wonder why? I ran across this quote from Thich Nhat Hahn, a recently […]
I learned a few things about bending one’s mind the other week and thought you might find some of it interesting. Play Big or Play Safe. Just Play. For three days, a bunch of us huddled in front of the computer screen, attending a sales and mindset masterclass. (Fortunately, about six hours of advertising and […]
This week, I rediscovered an old forgotten technique and thought you might find it helpful. Behind the scenes, I am doing a bit of a rebrand and refreshing my website and all my marketing collateral. We might be two hours away from unveiling the new website. Excitement is in the air! On Wednesday morning, my […]
Digitally speaking, writing or blogging is one of the coolest and easiest ways to share thoughts and insights (often referred to as opinions) that are outside the usual. Look for fresh insights and stories each week. Business As Usual Business as usual is an umbrella term that covers all standard, day-to-day business operations. I really like […]
I’ve been having several conversations lately that are ending in tears. Clients and friends alike. It seems the green-eyed monster is still causing havoc in lives. Whether you refer to it as your personal streak of jealousy, your spate of frustration over not having or being enough or just that ’damn green-eyed monster,’ I’d like […]
Your Majesty. I couldn’t NOT say something about the death of someone I have known about my entire life. And I am pretty sure you, too, have very likely never known such a visible public figure for so long. Whether we are members of the Commonwealth or not and whether the monarchy is relevant or […]
Have you ever noticed how exhausting strong and competent people can be? They have very high standards, are real pros in their calling, and refuse to lower their performance bar for anyone. But, add in those with a solid moral compass, and man! They can be insufferable. I know — I’m one of them. Pity, […]