Category Archives: Leadership

Is It For You or The Machine?

Have you noticed how our brains are nearing exhaustion these days? The constant bombardment of graphics, memes, short and long posts, videos, and audio has led us to a point where the fantasy concept of smell-o-vision seems closer than ever. We find ourselves glued to our phones, consuming vast amounts of information yet retaining almost […]

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Choices are Everywhere. How Can We Make the Right Ones?

If you were given this choice, which would you choose? -A hairstylist who disposes of all the hair dyes and chemicals used and charges an $8 upcharge to ensure that none of those nasty bits get returned to the municipal water treatment facility OR one who does not? -A garage that disposes of used oils, […]

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Happy Birthday, North America! Canada and the US celebrate and make a long weekend out of their birthday festivities. Whether Canuck or Mercan, this week is ours. Up for debate: do most people understand the reasons behind the long weekend? As both countries navigate through political scandals, high inflation, and detrimental social effects this year, […]

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Try a Little Kindness. Glen Campbell Said It Best

A few weeks ago, you might have caught my guest on the podcast explaining the difference between being nice and kind. Hint: Nice is more like milque toast; Kind is more about strength. Last Friday, I sent my husband the following text: “The Kindness of Strangers. I was walking back from Dita’s (our dog groomer), and a […]

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It’s Our Cynicism

This week, I finished the final episode about communication in the environmental space, titled ‘It’s Our Cynicism, Silly.’     No doubt you can read between the lines.  The fundamental reason NOTHING is breaking through the sound barrier these days is that humans now hold a very high level of cynicism.   I have to […]

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I’ll bet you know exactly what the term ‘off-Broadway’ means. No? It refers to the theatres one over from the main streets on which the Broadway extravaganzas are played. The program directors of the ‘off-Broadway’ sites have to work harder to bring in the foot traffic to put bums in the seats, yet the talent […]

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It was during that course that I learned a fantastic technique for forgiveness. Forgiveness is an underrated characteristic we humans could learn to cultivate much more. It has nothing to do with religion or self-sacrificing beliefs. It has everything to do with making peace, finding closure, or removing the bones of contention we needlessly hold […]

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