Category Archives: Business Growth

Are You An Upstanding Community Citizen?

How does one even attempt a discussion about being an Upstanding Community Citizen let alone make sure your marketing works for you? Let’s try! You know there are three legs to the BulletProof trifecta, right? Successful companies are passionate about their customers.  Have wickedly simple processes.  And are upstanding community citizens.   This past seven […]

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Do You Hire Well?

Everyone complains about a lack of employee engagement these days. Yet, I have never met an incompetent person.  EVER. Sure, I HAVE met angry people, disillusioned people, frustrated people and even people in the wrong jobs. But never has anyone ever been incompetent, lacked talent, started the day plotting how to screw everyone, and nor […]

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The 10 Commandments Business of Communication

One of the key things I have learned from talking to both clients and people in the communications business over the years is that they believed that hardest thing to do is develop a methodology or personal business philosophy to help guide them on the long and winding road. A lot of these people tend […]

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Stay Stuck In The Past Or Prepare For The Future

When Charlene and I decided to create a business management partnership together we spent a lot of time talking about how we wanted that business to be seen. On the surface, when you put a highly experienced business analyst and a highly experienced marketing and communication person together, you end up somewhere in the spectrum […]

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A Consistent Voice Is Critical To Reflecting A Consistent Brand

A consistent voice.  THAT is one of the most effective ways to be sure your company’s message is getting through.  A consistent voice is the most powerful way to speak to your prospects about your brand.   From the content on your web site and blogs to the copy in your trade ads, sales letters […]

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