Category Archives: Business Enlightment

There Might be Something to this Self-Care Thing

I have a wide skepticism streak in me. Maybe you do too. Self-care is a term I have never been able to get behind. Most likely because in the beginning, it was always coupled with spa days, mani-pedis, beauty makeovers, tiny portions of chef-prepared healthy food, and pictures of well-dressed and coifed people lounging around. […]

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Building Better Business Relationships

These days, one of the hot topics I frequently get asked about is relationship building. Since I have never been a formal salesperson, this might seem kinda strange to some. Business relationships, though — now that part is an area I have always done pretty good with. It’s not that the whole relationship-building concept is […]

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How’s Your Creativity Quotient?

One of the most overused phrases in business is ‘up with the creativity and innovation quotient.’ I mean, it sounds fabulous. EXCEPT. Where do you start? And if you’ve been paying attention to the ‘noise’ lately, creativity seems to have been killed off, almost entirely, during the pandemic. Let’s start at the beginning Neuroscientists have […]

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