Category Archives: Brand Engineering

Living in Harmony: Your Website & Your Social

Have you noticed the war being waged over your website and social media in the branding and marketing arenas? Look over there — the traditional stuff is finally winning again. No, see over there. Cuz the digital folks have screwed things forever. Get your website gleaming. No. Use this new social app. This, that. The […]

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Do You Hire Well?

Everyone complains about a lack of employee engagement these days. Yet, I have never met an incompetent person.  EVER. Sure, I HAVE met angry people, disillusioned people, frustrated people and even people in the wrong jobs. But never has anyone ever been incompetent, lacked talent, started the day plotting how to screw everyone, and nor […]

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Find The Time, Finally Take Action

Is our problem finding the time?  Or finally, take action? In the last post, I told you about my laptop trials and tribulations.  Update:  it took sixteen days to be reconnected to the Borg finally.  Thank you to all of you who wrote in or called me with your thoughts and words of advice. I […]

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